
This application distills key information presented in USAMRIID's training and education courses on biological threat agents of concern and serves as a quick reference for the identification of these agents in the field. Links to additional resources and contact information for emergency response to a suspected biowarfare or bioterrorism situation are also available through the application.

The USAMRIID Biodefense Tool can be downloaded now for free.
For iPhone and iPad, go to the Apple App Store:
For Android users go to Google Play:

Disclaimer: This application is intended for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease. Health care providers should exercise their own independent clinical judgment when using the mobile app in conjunction with patient care.

Blue Book, Ninth Edition, September 2020:

To order copies of the Medical Management of Biological Casualties Handbook (Blue Book), contact the Distance Learning Project Manager at USAMRIID. A free download is available by clicking this link Blue Book 9th Edition .

Quick Bio-Agents Guide, 2nd Edition, June 2021:

To order copies of the Pocket Reference Guide to Biological Select Agents & Toxins, contact the Distance Learning Project Manager at USAMRIID. A free download is available by clicking this link Quick Bio-Agents Guide 2nd Edition .

Textbook of Military Medicine (TMM) - Medical Aspects of Biological Warfare: