Morphy Richards Supervac Sleek Power+ 731007 manual

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View the manual for the Morphy Richards Supervac Sleek Power+ 731007 here, for free. This manual comes under the category vacuum cleaners and has been rated by 1 people with an average of a 8.7. This manual is available in the following languages: English. Do you have a question about the Morphy Richards Supervac Sleek Power+ 731007 or do you need help? Ask your question here

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Number of questions: 6 william mercerMay 15, 2024

blue light flashes a few times and goes off so how do i know when it is charged?

Same question Type your response here Add my comment NicolaSeptember 17, 2022

Can you buy just a filter for this hoover ?

Same question Type your response here Add my comment Alan O'ConnorFebruary 19, 2024

Why does the brush keep stopping

Same question Type your response here Add my comment DaveDecember 13, 2020

No suction and brush not rotating

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T hanlonJanuary 28, 2021

Brushes not turning

Post reaction GrainneJanuary 12, 2022

No blockage, filters clean - no suction

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Terry May 21, 2022

I've got the same problem, did you resolve it ?

Post reaction Mr Archie EnwoodFebruary 11, 2024

where can i buy replacement filters

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Morphy Richards Supervac Sleek Power+ 731007 specifications

Below you will find the product specifications and the manual specifications of the Morphy Richards Supervac Sleek Power+ 731007.

The Morphy Richards Supervac Sleek Power+ 731007 is a dry vacuum cleaner powered by a 22.2 V battery. It utilizes a cyclonic/filtering dirt separating method, eliminating the need for filter bags. The dust container is bagless, making it convenient and easy to empty. The vacuum cleaner comes with a vacuum wand assembly, allowing for extended reach and versatile cleaning options. It also includes a charging base for recharging the battery when not in use. In addition, the Morphy Richards Supervac Sleek Power+ 731007 is equipped with a crevice tool, which enables users to effectively clean tight spaces and corners. The vacuum cleaner comes with a user manual, providing instructions and guidance for easy operation and maintenance. It is a battery-powered device, allowing for flexible cleaning without the need for a power cord. The runtime of the Morphy Richards Supervac Sleek Power+ 731007 is 40 minutes, providing ample time for thorough cleaning sessions. With its powerful suction and cordless design, it offers convenience and maneuverability to tackle various cleaning tasks. Overall, the Morphy Richards Supervac Sleek Power+ 731007 is a dry vacuum cleaner that combines the benefits of cyclonic filtration, bagless dust containment, and cordless operation. It is designed to provide efficient and hassle-free cleaning, covering a wide range of surfaces and areas.