Around the world, governments close schools to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and encourage teachers and parents to support ongoing studies. From primary school to university, lockdowns expose inequities in available technologies, parent capabilities and motivation, quiet spaces, books and other resources. “Major barriers like the digital divide and the weakness of education systems threaten to increase further the vastly unequal learning opportunities available to the economically, geographically or politically disadvantaged,” explains Marvi Soomro for Dawn, pointing out that about 35 percent of Pakistanis have internet access, some with mobile subscriptions and low connection speeds. “There are also areas where the digital divide is essentially caused in the name of political gains or matters of ‘national security.’” Pakistan already posts a high dropout rate, and Soomro expresses concern that some children will not return to school as routines change and families keep children at home to help with chores. She concludes, “It is time to open our eyes and understand that without quality education for all, we as a nation will always lag behind, regardless of the ‘potential’ we may have.” – YaleGlobal
Failure to provide large numbers of children with an education during the Covid-19 pandemic increases dropout rates, dooming individuals and entire societies